Advisor of the First Lady Office of Perú 安迪斯地区的高山与祖先崇拜:十五世纪早期盛行的帕里亚卡卡崇拜的现状之概观与个案研究
The cult of the mountains and the ancestors in the Andes: A general and actual view and the case of the cult of the powerful pariacaca in the begining of the xvth century
美国俄亥俄州立大学东亚语言文学系 副教授 博士
Dr. & Assoc. Prof. at Department of East Asian Languages
and Literatures, The Ohio State University 彝族现代诗歌中的大自然
The Natural World in Modern Yi Poetry
美国华盛顿大学人类学系 研究生
MA. at Dept. of Anthropology, University of Washington 两个少数民族社区的地方知识与小学教育
Local Learning and Primary Schooling in Two Minority Communities
贵州毕节学院彝文古籍研究所 所长 教授 从彝文古籍记载参照汉文古籍结合出土文物考证中华万年文明史
Demonstrating the 10,000 Year History of Sinic Civilization from the Combination of Yi and Han Language Historical Texts and Artifacts from Archaeological Excavations