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The Xipo Religion of the Sami Yi under the Influence of Daoism

  蔡 华 Cai Hua


  【摘要】西波宗教是在彝族民间宗教基础上融合了道教的经文、斋醮仪式、神灵系统而形成的彝族撒梅人民间宗教。本文根据笔者分别于2004年4月和2005年3月两次到撒梅人居住的阿拉乡的实地调查,探讨彝族撒梅人宗教的渊源、流变、现状及思考。论文从以下五个方面进行研究:㈠ 历史文献的记载;㈡西波宗教的斋醮仪式;㈢西波宗教的神灵系统;㈣西波宗教的经文;㈤对撒梅人西波宗教文化现状的思考。笔者就撒梅人西波宗教的斋醮仪式、神灵系统、经文等方面与道教进行了比较研究,认为在从奴隶社会向封建社会发展的历史过程中,西波宗教对撒梅彝人的精神与文化的确起到了重要作用;时至今日,虽然撒梅人西波宗教日趋衰落,道教渗透的西波宗教观念仍旧影响着当地撒梅人的信仰和生活。

  关键词: 道教西波宗教 渊源与流变


  The xibo religion is a traditional folk belief of Samei Yi people that has developed by combining the scripture, the sacrificing rituals and the god-spirit world of the Taoism. The present paper is based on the fieldwork that has been conducted in the Ala village of Samei people by the author separately in April of 2004, and in March of 2005. It probes into the source, the development and the present state of the religious belief of Samei subgroup of the Yi. The paper covers five different aspects as follow: 1) the historical record; 2) the sacrificing rituals of xibo religion; 3) the god and spirit world of xibo religion; 4) the xibo religious scripture; and 5) the critical thinking of xibo religion. The author sets forth a comparative study between Taoism and the Xibo religion of Samei subgroup of the Yi in different levels, such as sacrificing ritual, god-spirit world, and scripture. The author suggests that the xibo religion ever played an important role in the formation of culture and religion of Samei people in the historical transformation from the slavery society to feudalism. Although it is not the same important as it was used to be, the xibo religion still possesses an influence on folk believes and folkways in local Samei communities.

  Keywords: Daoism─xibo religion─origin and development

  蔡华 (吉合阿华),女,彝族,博士,1963年5月出生于凉山州美姑县,现为西南民族大学民族研究院教授、四川大学历史文化学院博士后。主持并完成国家社科基金1项,主持省级课题3项,主持学校科研项目3项;出版个人专著《道教与彝族传统文化研究》、编著《凉山彝族风情》,发表论文40篇,主要有:1、《西王母与道教、彝族的关系》,载于《贵州民族研究》2003年第4期;2、《道教咒鬼经与彝族驱鬼经比较研究》,载于《民族文学研究》2003年第2期;3、《道教与西南少数民族审美》,载于《世界宗教研究》2003年第4期;4、《巍山道教宫观与彝族传统文化》,载于《西南民族学院学报》2003年第5期;5、《彝族宗教与彝区发展》,载于《宗教学研究》2002年第3期。

  About the Author:
  Cai Hua (Jjiho Ahuo) is a native Meigu Nuosu, born in 1963. After received her Ph.D, she became a professor at Institute of Ethnic Studies, Southwest University for Nationalities, and now she has been working on her post-doctoral program at Sichuan University. She is the author of “The Daoism and the Research into Yi Traditional Culture,” the editor of “Folkways of Liangshan Yi People,” and has published 40 articles, such as “A Brief Study on the Relationship between Xi Wangmu, the Taoism and the Yi,” in Guizhou Ethnic Studies 2002 (4), “The Comparative Study between the Scripture of Taoism and the Scripture of Incantation to Devil of the Yi,” in Studies of Ethnic Literature 2003 (2),“Taoism and the Aesthetic Value of Ethnic Minorities in Southwest China,” in The World Religions 2003 (2), “The Palace of Taoism in the Wei Mountain and Religious Culture of the Yi,” in Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities 2003 (5) , and “The Nuosu Religion and the Development of Liangshan Area,” in Religious Studies 2002 (3). She took in charge of seven projects at different levels, one national, three provincial, three of SWUN, including “Taoism and the Traditional Culture of the Yi People”(National Social Science Foundation, 2002) and “The Religion and Development of the Nuosu Yi People”(Sichuan Provincial Social Science Fundation 2003).


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