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On Yi Religious Paintings
邓应章 Deng Yingzhang
关键词:彝族绘画 毕摩 宗教绘画
In their rituals, bimo use many representational art forms,
which can be classified into pictorial texts, texts of mixed writing
and pictures, illustrated texts, and plastic arts. There are several
different kinds relations between Bimo paintings and writing,
such as pictures replacing writing, complementing the writing,
and decorating the writing. There are many primitive religions
of ethnic groups that have religious paintings. The paper discusses
some issues through comparisons
Keywords: Bimo paintings─Bimo─religious paintings
About the Author:
Deng Zhangying, born in Kaijiang county of Sichuan province
in 1977. PH. D candidate of East China Normal University. His
adviser is Professor Wang Yuanlu, majoring in Chinese linguistics
& written linguistics.