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The Natural World in Contemporary Yi Poetry
Bender Mark 马克·本德尔
Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, The Ohio
State University, USA
Miles Foley的“传统指涉性”概念(traditional referentiality)(Foley 1996),换言之,即观众把文化知识带入到表演活动和传统文本中。
关键词:当代 彝族诗歌 自然意象 “传统指涉性”
This paper will examine images and themes concerning the natural
world in the poetry of several contemporary Yi poets. Beginning
in the early 1980s, a number of Yi poets have emerged on local,
national, and even international literary scenes. Among these
poets are Jidi Majia, Luowu Laqie, Bamo Qubumo, Aku Wuwu, Asu
Yue’er, Enimusha Sijia, etc. Most of the poetry published is in
the medium of Han Chinese, though only one poet, most notably
Aku Wuwu, also write in Nuosu. Although the works of these poets
have been influenced strongly by mainstream currents in Chinese
poetry that emerged over the course of the 20th century, the poetry
of many Yi poets – especially by those poets rooted in the soil
of the Liangshan Yi Autonomous region – exhibit certain similarities
that set their poetry apart from mainstream poetic currents. In
the paper, images surrounding local “natural phenomena” – specifically
animals (tigers, leopards, eagles, muntjac, water deer, crows,
etc.), plants (fir trees, pine trees, etc.), physical features
(snow, earth, mountains, rivers, springs, lightning, etc.) and
persons such as hunters and herders who interact with them will
be grouped into meaning clusters for analysis. Similar clusters
will also be identified for “supernatural phenomena” such as ghosts,
spirits, mythic and totemic figures such as dragons and the culture
hero Zhyge Alu of various sorts, and the ritual practitioners
(bimo and sunyi) who deal with both aspects of the natural and
supernatural worlds. In a few select instances individual poems
will be used as examples, in particular Aku Wuwu’s long poem “Calling
Back the Spirit of Zhyge Alu.” The poem, written in Nuosu, draws
on stylistic features of traditional soul retrieval chants and
incorporates many images of physical nature, the supernatural,
mythology, belief, and ritual. By examining the occurrence and
patterning of the images in these poems, along with relevant contextual
background on traditional and contemporary Yi society (including
the role of poets), the paper will suggest how specific aspects
of Nuosu Yi folk culture informs the creation of a modern Yi poetics.
An important aspect of this poetics is the relation of poetry
to both ethnic identity and transmission of tradition in relation
to the culture of the “ancestors.” In regards to theory, John
Miles Foley’s concept of “traditional referentiality” (Foley 1996)
– or the cultural knowledge that audiences bring to performance
events or traditional texts, will be utilized throughout the discussion.
Keywords: contemporary─Yi poetry─image of nature─“traditional
马克·本德尔(Mark Bender),1995年在俄亥俄州立大学获中国文学博士学位;现任教于俄亥俄州立大学东亚语言文学系,教学与研究方向是中国文学、民俗学、表演研究,兼及中国少数民族文化研究;国际知名的苏州弹词研究专家,近年来开始关注中国彝族的文学传统,同时关注地方的和少数民族的口头或与口头相关的文学与表演。代表作有《李子与竹:中国苏州弹词传统》(Plum
and Bamboo: China's Suzhou Chant Fable Tradition,2003),发表一系列研究中国少数民族文学和彝族文学传统的论文,如《怎样看〈梅葛〉:“以传统为取向的”楚雄彝族文学文本》、《略论中国少数民族文学的翻译》等。
About the Author:
Dr. Mark Bender is an associate professor in the Department
of East Asian languages and Literatures at The Ohio State University.
He offers graduate and undergraduate courses on Chinese literature
and culture, with an emphasis on local and ethnic minority oral
and oral-connected literature and performance.