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The Cult of the Mountains and the Ancestors in the Andes: A General and Actual View of a Case Study on the Cult of the Powerful Pariacaca in the Begining of the Xvth Century

  Astete Flores, Guillermo Fernando 圭勒莫·费尔南多·阿斯特特·弗洛雷斯

  The First Lady Office of Perú


  关键词:帕里亚卡卡 高山崇拜 神圣谱系 地貌 社会组织 历史过程


  It is very complicated to speak about some cultural practices in the Andes particularly about religious affairs. It is so because of the very impact that the colonial period pruduces in the Andean culture as a whole and in regional and local Andean cultures. Despite this and considering the fact that almost all we know about indigenous people of Peru in colonial times comes from Spanish written sources, we have to be very sure that some ancient beliefs and practices like the cult of the mountains are still standing in our time. Taking account of the complex of this cultural and historical affair, we can review some actual practices of mountain worship in different parts of the country and then focus in the past through particular indigenous colonial sources to take an approach to a macro view of the implications of this systems of believes in terms of other social aspects as the identity and the social and political organization of the different Andean social groups. So we are going to focus the analysis in the cult of a very powerful snow mountain called Pariacaca, from the highlands of the department of Lima, who has -as it is said- many brothers and descendants, each one associated with other mountains. Then we are going to see how these sacred genealogies are a complex representation of the landscape, the sociopolitical scope and the identity discourses of the people of the region of Huarochiri, particularly of the clan called Checa, in the times of the colonial Peru, in the beginning of the xvii century.

  Keywords: Pariacaca─mountain worship─sacred genealogies─landscape─social organization─ historical processes

  圭勒莫·费尔南多·阿斯特特·弗洛雷斯是秘鲁社会人类学家,在秘鲁Pontificia Universidad Católica大学人类学系从事过研究工作。为研究切卡部落的现状和历史,曾在利马行政区的华罗奇里省进行过长期的田野工作,参与过各种展示个人先进科研成果的学术活动,最近的一次是国际美洲学学者代表大会。曾在代表秘鲁国内社会科学和人文科学最高水平的秘鲁天主教大学人类学任教授职务;现任秘鲁妇女第一工作处文化与社会咨询顾问。

  About the Author:
  Astete Flores, Guillermo Fernando is a social anthropologist of Perú, with studies in the department of anthropology of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. He conducted long-term fieldwork in the province of Huarochiri, Department of Lima, studying the present and the past of the group called Checa. He presented his research advances in different academic events like the last international congress of Americanists. He was a professor of the Department of Anthropology in the Catholic University of Peru, the most prestigious university in the country in social sciences and humanities. Now he is an advisor in cultural and social topic in the First Lady Office of Peru.


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