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The Myth of Shooting the Sun in Japanese Decorative Relics and Its Connection to Yi Myths

  Yamaguchi Hachiro 山口八郎



  关键词:日本神话 装饰 古墳 射日神话


  As everyone knows, there are flood myths among Yi and most of minorities in southwest of China. But in Japan why there is not this kind of myths? Japanese myths originated from two books: Old Tales and Japan Book, which historial books were edited on a commission from the emperor of Japan. However, at that time these two kinds of myths had already reached Japan. There are two kinds of evidence for this: one was that both of the books, Old Tales and Japan Book, were influenced by the two kinds of myths; another was murals painted in tombs. Three hundred tombs have been excavated, dating from the middle of the 5th century to the early 7th century, several suns, boats, weapons and men were painted in those old tombs. But it has been an unknown answer to the question of who painted these murals and what their meanings were. Today, I plan to introduce these murals and explain my hypothesis and viewpoint on the base of previous scholars’ opinion, favorable geographical position and historial background.

  Keywords: Jpanese myths─decoration─old tombs─the myth of shooting sun with arrow

  山口八郎,1993年4月——1995年3月北京大学东方系、历史系教师;1995年8月至今贵州民族学院彝文文献研究所客座研究员,贵州彝族学研究学会理事;2002年至今国际二宫尊德思想学会理事;2005年9月至今贵州民族学院外语学院客座教授。论文有《万般痴情游中国》,《民族团结》1994年;《日本与中国神话的比较》,《贵州民族学院学报》2003年。出版的著作有:1)《日语三百句》(北京大学出版社);2)彝语南部方言研究》(民族出版社);3)《夜郎史话》(四川民族出版社);4)《彝语方言比较研究》(四川民族出版社);5)《中国彝史文献通考》(第一卷,四川民族出版社)。以上著作中 1)为校阅原稿,声音录成磁带;2)5)为资助和策划;3)为资助和担任编辑委员;4)为主编、合著。

  About the author
  Career: From April in 1993 to March in 1995, teacher between the Orient and history department, Bei Jing University, China. From August in 1995 to today, visiting research fellow in Yi documentary institute, Gui Zhou University for Nationalities; and council member of Guizhou Yi Scholarly Association; From 2002 to today, council member of the International Morals Value Thought Assocition; From Sepetember in 2002 to taday, visiting professor of foreign languages department, Gui Zhou University for Nationnalities. Main papers are: Tour in China Affectionaely, in Ethnic Unity, No.11,1994; Compared Japanese’s Myths With Chinese’s, in Journal of Guizhou University for Nationnalities,2003; Published books: 1) Three Hundred Sentences of Japanese, the Pecking University Press; 2) Study on Southern Dialect of Yi Lauguage, Ethnic Publishing House; 3) The History of Yelang, Sichuan Ethnic Publishing House; 4) Comparative study of Yi dialects, Sichuan Ethnic Publishing House; 5) A comprehensive examination of Yi historical documents in China, Sichuan Ethnic Publishing House; Notes:Among the above books, the first book is proofread and recorded by myself; the second and fifth books are subsidized and thought a way; the third book is subsidized and edited by myself; and the fourth is supervised and coauthored.


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