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A Comparison of the Yi Bimo and the Naxi Domba

  王 薇 张泽洪 Wang Wei & Zhang Zehong



  关键词: 彝族 毕摩 纳西族 东巴 传统宗教


  The ethnic origin and development of Yi group and Naxi group are historically and culturally related, which renders possible the comparative study of their respective traditional religions specialists, the Bi-mo of Yi group and the Dongba of Naxi group. This thesis aims to compare the two in the respect of historical origin, major role in social life, and instruments of religions ritual, then examine the historical and cultural reasons behind the similarities as well as the transitions. In the end, this thesis will try to give an analysis as why this comparative study is necessary and important, from a historical point of view.

  Keywords: Yi group, Bimo, Naxi group, Domba, traditional religion



  About the Author:
  Wang Wei, born in Chengdu, Sichuan province in August,1980. I was granted B.L. degree with honor from Sichuan Normal University in 2003, currently assiduously studying for the master's degree in Institute of Religious Studies, Sichuan University, and majoring in the ethnic groups’ religions in southwestern China.

  Zhang Zehong, The religions of the ethnic groups in southwest of China, The Taoism of China, The achievements concern with the study of Taoism in Religions, the study of religious culture of the ethnic groups of southwest of China in ethnology.. And now, I’m studying the Jing Ming (the crystal purity ) Daoist Sect , The early Zheng Yi (the Right One) Daoist Sect and Ling Bao (the efficacious treasure) Daoist Sect. in the history of Taoism., and the folk faith of the spirits in Taoism, the research of the history of ZaiJiao (Fasting and Sacrificing Ceremony) Rite and the concepts displayed in those rites. I also work on the study of the relations between Daoism and the ethnic groups in southwest of China, the comparative study of the religions of the ethnic groups to the sacrificing rites of Daoism, and the history of Islam of Hui people in Sichuan province., etc .Many penetrating academic papers have been published. I’m one of the creative scholars in the country in recent years. My academic works are Spirits Beliefs and the Sacrificing Rites of Taoism, The Incantations of Fasting and Sacrificing Rites of Taoism, I wrote some articles for The Daoism of China, The Dictionary of Daoism, The Rites of Daoism, The Annals of ethnic groups of Sichuan Province, etc. All of my books and papers have 228,000,000 Chinese characters. I have one hundred and fourteen published papers, among them, fifty-seven were published in the core journals, six of them were in some authoritative journals, such as The Journal of Religions, The Journal of Ethnology and The Journal of History, etc. The book of The Rites of Fasting and Sacrificing and Incantations of Taoism attained the third reward from the government of Sichuan province, as one of the elegant achievements of philosophic and social science.


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