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Analysis of Occupational Communities in the Traditional Yi Vusa Area

  王继超 Wang Jichao




  Ancient Vusa Area once was called “Wu man san shi qi bu” in the Tang and Song Dynasties. This geographic concept formed in the Wei and Jin periods, and disappeared in the early years of the Qing Dynasty. During the years it existed, its territory expanded and contracted alternately. The Occupational Community System (OCS) was a kind of living system of its inhabitants once conducted in the Ancient Vusa Yi Area. Under the dominion of the Vusabu authority, people of the same character and of the same occupation were gathered to live together in a fixed area, such as the village of paddy, wood, and bamboo. “Occupational community” is the academic definition of these representative village communities. The OCS solidified the rule of ancient Vusabu authority during its over 1,000 years’ time span, and provided the basic ground for the formation of many branches of Yi nationality. Although it is a special phenomenon, it possesses a general significance. Through the relics of the OCS in some parts of the Northwest area of Guizhou Province, the historical background of the forming of OCS in Vusa areas, the complementarity of the occupational community and the ethnic relations, and the argumentation of author’s thinking and conclusion, this article comes to the conclusion that to research the social history of the Yi ethnic group, we cannot dismisss the study of the branches of Yi people and their relationships with the OCS.


  About the Author:
  Wang Jichao (Alu Xide), head of the translation team of Yi language in Bijie District, Guizhou province, has classified, translated and published 30 sets of ancient books of Yi nationality with 61 volumes and over 8,000,000 characters. He has published translation works and corpora such as The Origination of the Yi Ethnic Group (6 sets and 27 volumes), Catalogue of Classic Books of Yi Language, A Series of Road Guide Scriptures of Yi People (7 volumes), Synopsis of Creation and Civilization (3 sets and 6 volumes), Yi Fine Arts in Northwest Guizhou, Fine Arts of Yi Ethnic Group, Qugu: Choiceness of Guizhou Yi Love Songs, Selection of Quguzhougu Folk Songs, King Zhyge Alu, Road Guide Scriptures of Yi People of Weining Area, Saite Ayu, Suju Limi, Wulu Nuoji, Elegy of Yelang, A Collection of Yi Calligraphy of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, The Copybook of Yi Calligraphy, Guzheshu: Book of Agriculture, Moshisu: Master Singer Books for Funeral, Amaiken: Guizhou Yi Wedding Ceremonial Songs, Road Guide Scriptures of Yi People of Wumeng Area, Yi Metal and Stone Inscriptions (the third Vol.), The Translation of Ancient Books in Yi Language and the Research of History and Culture. And he has also taken charge of classifying, translating, and publishing 15 sets of works with 5,000,000 characters, such as: Chorography of Yi People in Southwest China, Concise Dictionary of Yi and Chinese, Nuo’ou Qujie, Anuochu, The Collection of Translated Terms of Yi Language. The achievements about to be published include “Synopsis of Ancient Books of China’s Ethnic Minorities: Volume of Yi People”, “A Biography of Zhyge Alu”, and “Historical Documents of Yi Military.” He was rewarded by the State Council, as Man of Unity, Progress and Exemplar. And he was also recognized as an “Intellectual of Outstanding Achievements” in the Bijie District.


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