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Looking at Religious Belief and Worship from the Perspective of Bimo Ritual Vocabulary

  普忠良 Pu Zhongliang


  【摘要】宗教信仰是彝族社会意识形态的重要组成部分。在彝族社会历史层次上,“毕摩”是彝族宗教信仰活动的中心人物,他们既是原始宗教观念的宣传者、解释者,又是宗教仪式的主持者和组织者。“毕摩”在彝族社会享有特殊的地位和威望,毕摩在主持彝族民间的祭祀、巫术、兆卜、禁忌等信仰活动中,逐渐形成了一套比较完整又极具宗教信仰活动色彩的祭祀词汇(术语)。毕摩在祭祀活动中使用的祭祀词汇(术语)不仅承载着彝族先民的种种信仰理念,表达着彝族的宗教信俗,而且在人们的日常生活、经济生产、婚丧嫁娶等方面对彝族社会的精神生活有着极为重要的影响。本文通过对彝族祭司 “毕摩”及其祭祀词汇、术语进行综合阐释,认为彝族毕摩祭祀词汇(术语)承载着四个宗教信仰理念:“人神合一”信仰理念;“崇祖”信仰理念;“万物有灵”信仰理念;“鬼魂”信仰理念。

  关键词: 彝族毕摩 宗教信仰与崇拜 祭祀词汇


  A Language is the accumulation of its history, which preserves or reflects components of the cultural features of the past. The multi-functions of a language show the characters of a human society and culture (including its religion). Language and religion both belong to the cultural category and are closely related. Language is one of the reflectives form of a culture, and all the forms of a culture are reflected through its language; on the other hand, the birth, spread and variation of a religion also have impact on the development, change and use functions of the language, and naturally some of traces of its religious characteristics are preserved in the language. Religion and Belief are an important part of the Yi social ideology. The Yi people are distributed across a very large area, and are intermixed with other ethnic groups, so the religion and belief of Yi people are very complicated. The Yi people gradually developed their own unique system of religion and belief in which human beings and gods are closely united (they worship their ancestors and believe in the heavenly gods) through a long time of social life and practice. Yi people advocate the harmony of the Yin and Yang. With the worship of ancestors as its core, the main form of the Yi religious belief is a united form mixing worship of nature, totems, and all spirits. Rites, sorceries, divinations, and taboos are the common performance of their pe33mo55 religion. And the holder of rituals, or pe33mo55 in Yi, plays the most important and central part in the performances, whose main function is to bridge the distance of gods, ghosts and human beings. They are the spiritual representatives of the traditional belief of the primitive religion, who are the propagandists, explainers, possessors of ritual knowledge, and even organizers of the Yi primitive religion. And their main function is to carry out and organize all the rituals of offering sacrifices to gods or the spirits of ancestors and through generations of practice they develop a complete and complex set of religious terms and vocabulary, which not only carry the concept of their beliefs and religious customs, but also exert an important influence on the daily life, economic activities, marriages and funerals and other spiritual life of the Yi society. This paper provides comprehensive explanations for these items of vocabulary and terms of pe33mo55 and tries to explore the features of the Yi primitive belief and worship culture which his often hidden in the ritual words.

  Keywords: Yi people─pe33mo55(毕摩)─religious belief and worship─respective of linguistics


  About the Author:
  Pu Zhongliang, male, Institute of Ethnology & Anthropology Chinese Social Science Academy , Beijing 100081. He has buplished academic papers in many well-known journals and books.


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