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Change Yi Tusi Society and the Replacement of Native by Appointed Officials

  Nomoto Takashi 野本 敬



  关键词:彝族 土司 社会变迁 改土归流


  Until today, most of scholars have an inclination to vie Gaituguiliu (改土归流) in terms of conflicts between local polities and central dynasties. But if we examine it carefully, we can find a lot of factors within Tusi (土司) society-as a multiple social-political relationships between center and frontier, the tusi’s position as head of local society, and the sociall system of local society which sustains the power structure, etc. These factors interact to gradually shape and transform the social and economic foundations of local society, and form the major reason for Gaituguiliu. How does the tusi regime fit into the structure of power relatioins between the central dynasty and local society? Moreover, how did social structure, which sustained Tusi’s power, change and cause Gaituguiliu? In Ming Dynasty, Yi Ethnic Minority Tusi society formed local power structures which coordinated with each other in what we could call a “Yi Area”. But with the social transformations which spread throughout all of Southwest China, finally these “Yi area” are broken up in Qing Dynasty. What’s more, what should be noted is the social transition occurring during these processes. At first, there were no commonalities between inland and frontier society, therefore the Imperial Court appointed native headman as Tusi, and established nominal administration. But, with the change of the times, connection between the dynasty and the upper classes of Tusi became closer. It caused not only the transformation of the Tusi upper class but also transformation of the societal base. This paper aims to describe the fundamental causes which led to Gaituguliu, and through this to analyze interaction of plural factors in Tusi society in northeast Yunnan.

  Keywords:Yi Ethnic Minority─Tusi(土司)─social transition─Gaituguiliu(改土归流)

  野本 敬,男,1971年出生,日本人。1995年毕业于东京都立大学人文学部史学科,获学士学位。2002年获该校硕士学位。现为学习院大学研究院人文科学研究科史学专业博士研究生。2004年至2005年,赴云南大学历史文化学院历史系进修中国民族史专业。主要研究方向为西南民族史,彝族史,曾参与了多项研究课题,如栗原悟等编《中国西南地域诸民族志的基础研究——以云南省为中心》,并撰写了《关于云南南部环境史研究的史料问题》、《云南南部地域的开发与环境变迁——以石屏地域为中心》等等。

  Abouth the Author:
  Nomoto Takashi, male, born in 1971, comes from Japan. He receved his B.A. and M.A. in History from Tokyo Metropolitan University, and now is a Ph. D. Candidate in History at Gakushuin University. He has been majoring in history at Yunnan University since 2004. Among his scholarly writings are “A Basic Study of Ethnography in Southwest China: focus on Yunnan”, “A Note on Sources for the Environmental History of South Yunnan”, “A Note on Exploitation and Environmental Transition of South Yunnan: A Case Study of Shiping District” and others. His current research direction is further study focusing on the history of Southwest China and the history of the Yi ethnic minority.

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