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The Nuosus’ Conception of Soul: A Cultural Interpretation of Rituals and Scriptures

  摩瑟磁火 Mose Cihuo




  When we use the Han term linghun (roughly, English “souls”) to describe the cultural content of the concept of yyrna in Nuosu language, because of the very different linguistic environments we can run into lots of frustration. Because of this frustration or perhaps because of the intentional or unintentional carelessness of certain scholars, several questions still remain in our current descriptions concerning yyrna. The meaning of yyrna still needs more investigation and clarification. This essay first discusses what we can know about this concept, in order to give us a somewhat clearer recognition and understanding of it. And in the process of this discussion, we will naturally touch upon some of the rich and varied perspectives and stories about this concept found in Yi popular religion, as well as touching on those sections of Bimo documents that deal with yyrna. This essay will concentrate on introducing and analyzing these sections, and at the same time on the basis of these propose some of my own individual opinions on these issues. After this, the essay will discuss the concepts embodied in vocabulary that is closely related to yyrna, including nyitcy (“ghosts”) sip (host), asa (guardian spirit), and apu amat (ancestral spirits). Clarifying the meaning of these concepts, as well as picking out the covert complex relationships between them, is an important step in our comprehensive understanding of Yi religion. Toward this end, the present essay will also attempt to discuss these issues from a broader theoretical perspective.


  About the Author
  Mose Cihuo (Hmosi Cyho) graduated from the Central University for Nationalities in 1990. After graduation, he went in for work in Ethnic Language Committee of Meigu County, and moved to Language Committee of Liangshan Prefecture in 2000. He conducts basic research on Yi culture, as well as participates in collection, collation, translation, and research on traditional Yi documents. In 1996, he took part in the Sino-Japanese Joint Project for Ethnic Folklore of Southwest China, participating in group’s fieldwork carried out in Meigu and in Japan. As one of the founders and active workers in Meigu Bimo Culture Research Center, he has been the secretary-general of that institute, and during that time was the chief editor of two issues of Investigation and Research into the Bimo Culture of Meigu. His translations of A Liangshan Yi Scripture for Exorcising Ghosts (jointly translated) and A Scripture for Buying Souls, as well as the classic Hnewo Tepyy have been published in Taiwan and Japan. His Brief Introduction to Bimo Religious Activity in the Meigu Area has been translated and published in Japanese. Since moving to the Prefectural Language Committee, he has been chiefly engaged in writing and editing a New Century Project of the State Nationalities Commission, the Sichuan Yi volume of A General Annotated Bibliography of Traditional Documents of China’s Minorities, as well as participating in the editing of the Yi volume of Collected Documents Relating to the Primitive Religions of China’s Minorities, a “211” project of the Philosophy Department of Central Nationalities University. He has published over 10 articles relating to Yi Studies.

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