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Economy Cannot be Separated from Culture, Culture and Economy Must Work Together:
Learnings from Development Work in Yi Villages in Ganluo and Hanyuan Counties

  Maher, Katie & Zhang Zhenfang 楼兰 张振芳

  The School of Cultural Studies at Flinders University of South Australia



  关键词: 文化 经济 彝族 农村 发展


  DORS (Development Organisation of Rural Sichuan) is an integrated development organization working in participation with Yi communities in Ganluo County, Liangshan Prefecture and Hanyuan county, Ya’an district. We work with some of the poorest and most remote villagers on a range of education, infrastructural, livestock development and other economic development projects. DORS takes the view that Yi villagers themselves are most aware of local situations. Our approach is to ask villagers (including men, women, elders, children, village leaders, poorest households) about their local knowledge, what opportunities for and barriers to economic (and cultural) development exist in their villages and how best to address these. In this paper, DORS workers Zhang Zhenfang and Katie Maher share some of what village partners have taught us about the integral links between economic and cultural concerns. We discuss some of the problems DORS has encountered in the past when we have used international and Han standards to work with Yi villagers. It is through encountering such problems, and through trying to meet our aims of benefiting Yi people, that we have come to place increasing importance on culture. We also share some of what Yi villagers have clearly shown us, that improving the lives of Yi people, and cultural advancement for Yi people, must begin with economic development. We now place increasing importance on combining economic development with cultural development. Our paper raises two key points: That if Yi people themselves are to significantly benefit from Yi studies, then economic development concerns must be considered as an integral component of Yi studies; and that if economic development projects with Yi communities are to be successful, opportunities for the participation of local Yi people and a knowledge of Yi culture is essential. Yi worker Zhang Zhenfang discusses how economic and cultural factors have interacted in her own life. Through having the chance to participate in further education, she has been able to enhance her studies in Yi culture and is now working to enhance overall development opportunities for Yi people. Employing Yi workers has been a key to improving DORS’ communication and understanding with Yi communities, enabling us to recognize that some standard ways of working may not be best for Yi people.

  Keywords: culture─economy─the Yi People─rural─development



  About the Authors:
  Katie Maher is a development worker and cultural studies scholar now working with DORS. Originally from Australia, she has spent over five years in China. In 1999 she commenced a doctoral degree with the School of Cultural Studies at Flinders University of South Australia.

  Zhang Zhenfang is a Yi woman from Ningnan County in Liangshan Zhou. She commenced work with DORS in January 2005 after graduating from the South Western University of Nationalities in Chengdu.


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