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The Temporal Structure of Yi Narrative

  刘宗迪 Liu Zongdi



  关键词:彝族 历史 时间

  Time is a basic prerequisite for knowledge and narrative, and when speaking of historical narrative time is of particular importance, so that history of a single subject (for example the Yi) seen from two differing perspectives on time can yield two different historical pictures. Because there is no bit of human life or knowledge that is not reached by time, people ordinarily look at the time in which they themselves live and do not see clearly, and think that it is naturally given by heaven and earth, the one and only, and for this reason Kant made human perception of time into the first style of direct perception in human knowledge. Only when the movement of history brings events from two different periods together, will the huge differences between different time periods and the contradictions, difficulties, and crises raised in historical narratives by these differences become recognizable by people. Contemporary Yi people are now in a situation where different kinds of time are mixing and colliding. For Yi history, culture, and scholarly research, at least three kind of time should be seen as important.
  First, everyday time: traditional life based in agriculture and the agricultural timing that fits with it are still the basic measure of ordinary Yi people’s life. Yi customary and religious life for the most part fit within this kind of time, and this kind of time determines the basic divisions of ordinary Yi people’s life, and structures the basic order of the everyday world and cosmological beliefs in Yi thought. For our understanding of Yi culture, in particular customs and religious life, it is most important. What is embodied in Yi creation myths and traditional rituals is this kind of time.
  Second, genealogical time The time chain of genealogical recitation and memory of clan and tribal history through the generations, passed down on the basis of the father-son linked name system. The father-son linked name system is actually a way of organizing and narrating history based on the vein of patrilineal kinship. This kind of time is to this day an important method for identifying and delineating the social structure of Yi society, and is a primary prop for ordinary Yi people to remember their own history.
  Third, historical time Huaxia historical time reckoning according to the changes of dynasties and the reignes of emperors. This kind of time structures the revolution and transmission of Chinese history, and the Yi, living on the fringes of the Huaxia world, have had a now-distant, now-close relationship with this kind of historical time; the Yi world only appears sporadically and marginally in this kind of time. What can appear in the Southwest Barbarian sections of successive Huaxia historical works is this kind of time.
  With the daily increase in the degree to which the Yi are now being included in the political structure of China, in contemporary Yi narratives the weaving together and mutual entanglement of these three kinds of time also increases daily, and Huaxia historical time becomes the main vehicle of Yi historiography, and at the same time brings great changes to the other two kinds of time; in the end this trend will certainly rewrite Yi people’s historical memory and the way that outsiders look at Yi history.
  This pape attempts, through the analysis of relevant historical documents, to delineate the contemporaneous presence of these three kinds of time in their intertwining and their relationships of mutual growth and destruction, and also hopes to use this to explain the important value of time consciousness to research in Yi studies.

  Keywords: Yi Ethnic Minority─History─Time


  About the Author:
   Liu Zongdi, received his Ph.D. in Folklore from Beijing Normal University, now working as an associate researcher in Folklore, Mythology, Oral Tradition and Chinese Classics at Institute of Ethnic Literature of China Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). His Brief Bibliography: “On the Relationship between Primitive Dances and the Origin of Myths”, Forum on Folk Literature, Beijing, 1996(4); “The Cultural Effects of the Primitive Dances”, Literature and Art Studies, Beijing, 2000(3); “On the Relationship between Chinese Ancient Rituals and Primitive Dances”, Ethnic Arts, 1998(4); “Behind Stories are Histories”, Studies of Ethnic Literature, 2000(4); “The Classics of Mountains and Seas (Shanhaijing) and Chinese Archaic Calendar System” Ethnic Arts,2002(2) ; “On the Relationship between Oral Tradition and Writing Tradition in Chinese Axial Period,” Dushu (Readers), 2003(10); “On the Origin of Five-element (Wuxing) System”, Philosophy Study, 2004(4) ; and “On the Origin of the Dragon Worship and Myth in Ancient China”, Forum on Folk Culture, 2004(4).


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