Environment, Landslide Removal, and Sustainable Development
in Yi Areas:
A Case Study from the Ailao Mountains
李永祥 Li Yongxiang
Dept. of Anthropology, University of Washington, USA
关键词: 彝族腊鲁人 环境生态 泥石流 搬迁 可持续发展 小康 国家权力
The paper focuses on the environment and landslide removal
of Hetaoping village on Ailao Mountain of Yunnan Province,
pointing out that Yi (Lalu Group) people on Ailao Mountain
face serious problems on sustainable development. A very
big landslide happened on Ailao Mountain in August of 2002,
and Hetaoping is one of the worst villages damaged by the
landslide. After the landslide, the local government asked
the villagers to move out to a safer place to avoid the
natural disaster. The 96 families in the village were moved
to five different places. Since there are no cultivatable
lands at the new place, they have to go back to their original
place to do cultivation. Some villagers have to spend 4—5
hours each day walking between the agricultural field and
the new village, and most of them need 3 hours. Therefore,
factors including landslide, environment, ecology and removal,
have led to a decline in farmers’ quality of life. When
also considering the poor level of education, medical care
and low level of economic development, the Lalu Yi people
in Hetaoping face serious difficulties to achieve overall
Xiaokang and sustainable development. Based on two years
of field research, the paper suggests that it is necessary
to establish a sustainable development strategy on county
level. Sustainable development is a management system in
which all people participate. The method of top-down decision
making must be changed, and the state is responsible to
invest education, medical care and social security. The
government agencies should be farmer-centered, not government-centered.
eywords: Lalu Yi─Environmental ecology─landslide─emoval─sustainable
development─ Xiaokang─state power
About the Author:
Li Yongxiang, a Niesu Yi native, was born in Firoke village
of Laochang Township of Xinping Yi-Dai Autonomous County
in Yunnan Province. He graduated from Yuxi Teaching School
in 1984, and Central Institute for Nationalities in 1988,
and worked at the Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences during
1988—1999. In September, he was accepted as graduate student
in Ph. D. program at the University of Washington, Department
of Anthropology, studying with Professor Stevan Harrell,
and graduated in June 2005. Research interests include:
the history and culture of the Yi, environment and sustainable
development, enterprise privatization and pollution, education
and migration, tourism, ethnic relations, state power and
social linguistics.