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Yi Concepts of Honor and Shame

  罗家修 Luo Jiaxiu



  关键词: 彝族 荣辱观

  Yi ethnic group is an old and civilized one, who has many excellent traditional culture and virtues, among which a complete theory of concepts of honor and shame is contained. Whether its concepts of honor and shame right or not is a matter concerning whether an ethnic group would be prevailing or not. A right sense of honor and shame provides the coherence power to an ethnic group. Yi ethnic group has a number of outstanding concepts of honor and shame. The Yi people believe that the basic difference between human beings and animals is, “human beings have sense of honor, yet animals do not.” So Yi people are educated in the sense of honor from the time they are children. Everyone needs to know what is honor and what is disgrace, so as to set up correct concepts of honor and shame. This paper employs more than 30 proverbs to describe the Yi concepts of honor and shame. For example, “people who know what disgrace is are honorable, people who do not are disgraceful.” A Yi proverb says, “People should know what disgrace is.” “People can live without parents, but they can not live without sense of honor.” All of this shows the high position of Yi people’s conceptualization of honor and shame. And it is also the core and essence of concepts of honor and shame. They think, living in the world, people should know what to do and what not to do, without saying words hurting themselves, their families, their relatives; without doing anything damaging the honor of themselves, their families, ancestors and relatives. As an old Yi saying goes, “people should live for a graceful fame; even dying, tigers should leave their royal skins.” “Living in disgrace is worse than dying in honor.” Yi people also tend to believe that it is because of ignorance of honor that people do bad deeds.

  Keywords: Yi people─concepts of honor and shame

  罗家修,男,彝族,彝名罗洪大英阿谦,四川凉山喜德人,生于1926年,现年79岁。1949年毕业于黄埔军校第22期。1950年参加革命,毕业于中央民族学院军政干部班。 历任中央民族学院讲师、普雄县副县长、四川民族出版社彝文编译室副主任、凉山州语委副主任、美姑县副县长等职。1986年退休。本人长期从事彝族语言文字、民族学、民族古文字、民族科技史的研究。现在是中国民族学学会、中国民族语言学会、中国民族古文字研究会、中国少数民族科技史研究会等学会会员,凉山彝族文史研究会顾问。主要著作有:《古今彝历考》、有一百一十余万字的《彝族历典》(每天含八个项目的一百年彝族历书)、《凉山彝族谱系》(合作执笔)、《彝族格言》(合作执笔)、《玛牧特依》(古籍整理注释)、译著《返老还童的扇子》等三十余部,论文三十余篇。参加过在国内开的四次国际学术会议,并在大会上宣读论文,论文都收入《论文集》出版。

  About the Author:
  Luo Jiaxiu (Lohxo Dayi Aqie), male, Yi ethnic, comes from Xide County, Liangshan, Sichuan Province. He was born in 1926, and is 79 now. He graduated from Huangpu Military Academy in 1949 as one of the 22nd term of graduates. In 1950, he joined in the Chinese revolution, graduating from the director training course in Central Institute for Nationalities (now CUN). He used to work as lecturer of CIN, vice head of Puxiong County, vice director of Yi-language Translating Office of Sichuan Ethnic Press, vice director of Liangshan Committee for Ethnic languages, vice head of Meigu County, etc. He retired in 1986. He has been studying Yi language, ancient books, and the history of ethnic technologic development. Now he has membership in China Ethnology Society, China Ethnolinguistcs Association, China Ethnic Ancient Literacy Society, and China Association for Ethnic Technologic History. He acts as consultant of Liangshan Society of Yi Literature and History. His major works includes “A Textual Research of Ancient and Contemporary Calendar System of Yi Ethnic Group”, “A Calendar Handbook of Yi Ethnic Group”, “Genealogies of Liangshan Yi People” (coauthored), “Yi Mottos and Maxims” (coauthored), “Hmamu Teyy”, and “A Rejuvenated Fan” (translated). He attended and made his presentations at four international conferences held in China, and those papers have been collected in paper volumes.

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