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The Emic Study of the Yi in Morden Historical Scholarship:
The Examples of Leng Guangdian and Qumo Zangyao

  李 列 Li Lie


  【摘要】论文选择凉山彝族精英岭光电和曲木藏尧为研究个案,分析20世纪前半期现代学术背景下的彝族主位研究。岭光电和曲木藏尧一方面用作品来描写、呈现自己本民族的真实状态;另一方面又用自己的改革实践来向外界证实彝区发展进程和彝民族的求变要求。分析他们笔下不同于客位呈现的彝族形象,讨论他们作为彝族精英是怎样身体力行的推动彝族社会的改革进程,怎样言说和表达民族诉求。他们站在主位立场的彝族研究,其研究成果更加接近彝族现实,也可以透视汉族学者对彝族研究逼进的真实程度。一、主位研究视角下的彝族文化真实。岭光电和曲木藏尧在从军从政之时,撰写文章,出版书籍,对彝族文化进行研究和介绍,他们出版的主要著作有岭光电的《倮情述论》和曲木藏尧的《西南夷族考察记》,把彝族文化放在整个中国文化的大背景下来思考,放在彝汉文化交流的关系上来解剖。二、主位研究中寻找历史的多种可能性。岭光电和曲木藏尧站在主位研究立场,试图通过清算自己历史中被“异邦”在了解和研究过程中增加的“想象”成分,摆脱和纠正历史和现实中对彝族各种各样的评说和想象,恢复和重建真正属于他们自己的历史,找到自己的民族在整个民族国家进程中的真实处境,为被误解和歪曲的彝族“正名”。三、主位研究的言说方式和民族认同。怎样表达自己对彝族历史现实甚至对国家对世界的关注。实际上岭光电和曲木藏尧关注彝族是寻找民族认同。作为彝民族的一个民族成员的认同,作为本民族的精英或代表的认同。四、主客位研究视野中的彝族世界。遵循主位客位的理论视域,我们认为, 彝族文化的诠释权应回归彝族。但彝族的文化主位研究搭配民族学者的客位研究,能推动彝族研究的深入和拓展,现代彝族研究的丰硕成果,是主客位研究的结果。

  关键词:现代学术 主位研究 民族认同


  This article chooses the Yi elites Leng Guangdian and Qumo Zangyao as case studies to analyze Yi emic research against the background of scholarship of the early 20th century. On the one hand, Leng and Qumo used their works to describe the real situation of their own ethnic group, and on the other hand used their own reformist line to set out to the outside world the requirements for development in Yi areas and the Yi desires for change. Analyzing ways that the portrait of Yi people that they drew in their writings was different from that of etic researchers, I discuss the ways in which they as Yi elites promoted the progress of development of Yi society, they ways in which they spoke and expressed the wishes of their ethnic group. As their research was conducted from a Yi emic standpoint, their research results came even closer to the reality of Yi life, and they could see through the degree to which Han scholars were driven to realism.
  1) Yi cultural reality from the viewpoint of emic research. When Leng Guandian were serving in the military and in government, writing articles, pulishing books, and carrying out introduction and research on Yi culture, their most important monographs, Leng Guangdian’s The Lolo Situation and Qumo Zangyao’s Record of Investigations into the Yi of the Southwest, analyzed Yi culture in the context of the entire Chinese culture, dissecting it in the context of the relationship between Yi and Han cultures.
  2) Searching for multiple historical possibilities through emic research. Leng Guangdian and Qumo Zangyao stood in an emic position, and sought, through clarifying elements of their own history that had been over-“imagined” in the processes of understanding and research by “other factions”, to distance themselves from and rectify all sorts of criticisms and imaginations about the Yi in history and present reality and to revive and reconstruct a history that belonged to themselves, and to find the true position of t heir own ethnic group in the historical process of the whole country, and to conduct a “rectification of names” for the misunderstood and distorted Yi.
  3. The speech style of emic research and the question of ethnic consciousness. How to express their concern for the current condition of the Yi, let alone for the nation and the world? Actually, Leng Guangdian’s and Qumo Zangyao’s concern for the Yi was a search for ethnic identity. An identity as members of their own ethnic group or as a elite representatives of their own ethnic group.
  4. The Yi world in the field of vision of emic and etic research. Working within the theoretical field of vision of emic and etic research, we feel that the right to explain Yi culture ought to belong to the Yi. But Yi emic research, in combination of etic research in ethnology can stimulate the broadening and deepening of Yi research, and the current abundant harvest of Yi research is the result of this emic-etic combination.

  Keywords: Modern Scholarship─Emic Study─Ethnic Identity


  About the Author
   Li Lie is a native of Gejiu, Yunnan. He graduated from Beijing Normal University with a Ph.D. in folklore (faculty of law). His work mainly concentrates on the history of scholarship on the Yi and on contemporary Chinese fiction, and he has published “The establishment and transformation of contemporary Yi studies,” “Elucidating Yi ‘Road Guide Scriptures’ from the standpoint of cultural studies,” and his doctoral dissertation, “Research on the Yi: the establishment of contemporary scholarship, 1928-1949 (over 300,000 characters). As a master’s student, he concentrated on visual culture, and has published in journals such as Film Works and Research on Film Arts. With his advisor, he collaborated on Aesthetics and Aesthetic Education, published by Higher Education Press. He has published many articles on contemporary literature in journals such as Yunnan Social Science and The Frontlines of Thought.


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