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Yi Bimo and Medical Culture

  何定安He Dingan (曲木约质)



  关键词:彝族 毕摩 医药文化

  Bimo, the ritualist of Yi ethnic group, takes the responsibilities for hosting religious rituals, and is the most educated group in traditional Yi society. Bimo has to be well up in the whole content of Yi religious rituals, able to reciting the texts as well as supervising the setup of the place of rituals. He also needs to know well of religious rituals, the process and hosting ritual activities independently, and be familiar with exorcism, praying and healing. Bimo must master various Yi scriptures and make use out of them, at the same time, knowing Yi history, calendar-counting, astronomy, geography, medication, literature and folklore, philosophy and religion is also a necessity. The position of Bimo is usually handed down from generation to generation, and possessed solely by men. To be a Bimo, the men need to learn for many years from their masters and perform as “Bisse” (apprentice of bimo) in those ceremonies several times in order to master the know-how. The Yi medical culture is quite characterized with simple concepts and rich experience. Medical prescriptions are recorded in the ancient books in Yi language. It is also specialized in health protection and food taboo. A certain number of Yi medical treatments have been developed and put into use. To name a few, steam baths in an underground cave, steam baths wrapped in a glass mat, acupuncture on body-points, moxibustion on body-points, fire-jar suction, and oil for tumefaction, etc. Bimo plays a very important role in the medical culture of Yi ethnic group, in which there is the concept that diseases are caused by unclean objects or unclean soul, therefore, it is Bimo’s job to cure both men’s body and soul. Bimo will use “Xian yao jing” and “Qu xie jing” in the ceremonies, during which he also uses medical treatment and medications.

  Keywords: Yi ethnic group─bimo─folk medicine


  About the author:
  He Ding’an (Qomo Yorryr) has been learning from Prof. Liu Yaohan at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and studying the history and culture of Yi ethnic group for 22 years. During the same time, he also learned Yi culture from Tusi Leng Guangdian in Liangshan, Bimo Qubi Zuoha, Han Chinese scholar Yan Ruxian, and Yi scholar Yu Hongmo, co-studied with Italian scholar Bai Lin, and American scholar Liu Xiaoxing, investigated in Yi areas in Sichuan Province, Yunnan Province and Guizhou Province. He has published essays and works on Yi culture of all-together millions of words. The major ones are: “liang shan bai yi qu mu shizu shijia”, “liangshan yizu xiguanfa anli jicheng”, “daliangshan zhufeng xiao de jisi—ahou shijia jizu dadian” and so on. Besides, he has nearly 60 articles including: “liangshan yizu zongjiao jisi zhongsu”, “yizu bimo wenhua”, etc. His scholarly writings draw attention from experts both home and abroad.


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