姓  名: 朱刚 (白)
学  历: 文学硕士
籍  贯: 云南大理
职  务:
职  称: 副研究员


















联合国教科文组织亚太地区非物质文化遗产师资培训班,2011 2018








20112017 年美国民俗学会年会



20142015201720182019年非物质文化遗产保护NGO论坛及联合国教科文组织保护非物质文化遗产政府间委员会第 9101213 14届常会(法国、纳米比亚、韩国、毛里求斯、哥伦比亚)



2018 物质文化遗产在都市国际会议,新加坡,题目:“A New Tendency in the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage under the Framework of UNESCO’s 2003 Convention”

2017年哈佛大学讲座,美国,题目:“The Poetics of Communication: Social and Cultural Functions of the Traditional Song-fair of the Bai Ethnic People in Southwest China”

2017年俄亥俄州立大学讲座,美国, 题目:“The Poetics of Communication: A Study on the Shibaoshan Song Fair of the Bai People in Southwest China”

2014非物 质文化遗产保护 NGO 论坛,法国,题目:“The Role and Contribution of China Folklore Society in Safeguarding ICH of China”

2010年芬兰民俗学者暑期学校,题目:“Reconsidering the Basics: An Oral Poetic Study into the Concept of Verse-Line in Baipkv”



2015- 2017年:代表中国民俗学会担任联合国教科文组织非遗审查机构成员,对各国列入教科文名录的申请展开专业评审,项目数量超过 150 项。




1.    2004: 合著,《柯尔克孜族——新疆乌恰县库拉日克村吾依组调查》,云南大学出版社。

2.    2005: 文章,《第四届国际彝学研讨会综述》,《民间文化论坛》2005年第6期。

3.    2005: 《石龙村白族民俗文化的若干变迁》,中国少数民族文学研究资料库结项报告丛编第18卷。

4.    2006年:合译,[]阿兰·邓迪斯主编:《西方神话学读本》,广西师范大学出版社。

5.    2006年:《同比外国,我们的差距在哪里》(文章),《中国社会导刊》(总126期)。

6.    2009年:译文,[]约翰·弗里著《如何阅读一首口头诗歌》,《民俗研究》20091期。

7.    2010年:《从传统到个人:石龙白曲的传承机制及口头诗学法则探析》,《民族艺术》2010年第4期。

8.    2011年:译文,[]艾利奥特·奥林著:《图腾制度及再议美国远征军》,《民族文学研究》2011年第6期。

9.    2012年:论文,《新民俗学之后?──2010年国际民俗学者组织暑期学校巡览》,《中国民俗学》2012年第1

10.   2012年:合编,《联合国教科文组织<保护非物质文化遗产公约>基础文稿汇编》,外文出版社2012年版。

11.   2013年:论文,《口头传统视域中白族民歌的田野研究——以剑川县石龙村的白曲界定及民俗阐释为例》,《民族艺术》2013年第2期。

12.   2013年:论文,《民俗学的理论演进与现代人文学术的范式转换》,《青海社会科学》2013年第1期。

13.   2013年:论文,《以语言为中心的民俗学范式:戴尔海默斯的交流民族志概说》,《民间文化论坛》2014年第6期。

14.   2014年:论文,《从语言转换到以演述为中心的方法:现代民俗学的学术史钩沉》,《民族文学研究》2014年第6期。

15.   2015年:论文,《当代民俗学以演述为中心的方法:理论背景、发展轨迹及概念解析》,《民间文化论坛》2015年第1期。

16.   2015年:专著,《作为交流的口头艺术实践:剑川白族石宝山歌会研究》,中国社会科学出版社。

17.   2015年:论文,《非物质文化遗产文化空间研究的时空维度——以云南剑川白族的石宝山歌会为例》,《民间文化论坛》2015年第3期。

18.   2015年:论文,《白曲演述传统与诗行观念——白族山花体民歌的民族志诗学反思》,《贵州民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2015年第6期。

19.   2017年:论文,《一带一路战略与非物质文化遗产保护的国际合作》,《西北民族研究》2017年第3期。

20.   2017年:论文,《从社会社区:走向开放的非物质文化遗产主体界定》,《民族艺术》,2017年第5期。

21.   2018年:论文,《哈佛燕京学社与中国口头传统研究的滥觞——以中国社会科学院民族文学研究所为例》,《民族文学研究》2018年第6期。

22.   2018年:论文,《联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产保护的新动向——以越南富寿省唱春项目的名录转入为个案》,《民间文化论坛》2018年第6期。

23.   2019年:论文,《联合国教科文组织保护非物质文化遗产的事件史考述——基于《建议案》和《代表作计划》的双线回溯》,《青海社会科学》2019年第6期。

24.   2019年:论文,《交流诗学(关键词)》,《民间文化论坛》2019年第6期。

25.   2019年:合著,《野有蔓草——大理石龙民间故事集》,商务印书馆2019年版。




Personal Details:

Family Name:  Zhu

Given Name:  Gang

Sex: Male

Date of Birth: Nov. 3, 1980

Place of Birth: Dali, Yunnan Province

Nationality: Bai   

Citizenship: China 







Yunnan Ethnic Publishing House, Kun Ming, Yunnan Province (Intern Editor)

Institute of Ethnic Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Assistant Research Fellow)


Fields of Research

Folklore, oral tradition, intangible cultural heritage



Chinese, Bai, English


Current Positions

Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnic Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Executive Board Member, Deputy Secretary General, China Folklore Society

Facilitator, the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Section (since 2018)



The second A. B. Lord Fellow (Center for Studies in Oral Tradition, University of Missouri, the United States of America, 2012)

Visiting Scholar (The Harvard-Yenching Institute, Harvard University, 2016-2017)



Ph. D. in Folklore, Minzu University of China (2014)

M. A. in Literature, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (2007)

B. A. in History, Yunnan University (2003)


Main Publications:

1.       09 / 2004: monograph (co-author), Kirgiz People in Wuqia County of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region: An Ethnography, Yunnan University Press, Kunming.

2.       12 / 2005, paper, “The Fourth International Conference on the Yi Studies: A Summary,” Forum of Folk Culture (Journal), Vol.6, Beijing.

3.       08 / 2005: report, “A Field Report on the Bai Ethnic Culture in Shilong Village: Tradition and Variation,” Report Series No.18: “Database of Chinese Ethnic Literature Studies,” Beijing.

4.       06 / 2006: book (co-author, trans.), Sacred Narrative: Readings in the Theory of Myth (Alan Dundes (ed.), University of California Press, 1984), Guangxi Normal University Press, Beijing.

5.       06 / 2006: paper, “How other Countries Protect ICH: Selected Samples,” China Society (Journal), Vol.126, Beijing.

6.       03 / 2009: paper (trans.), “How to Read an Oral Poem” by John. M. Foley (in John M. Foley: How to Read an Oral Poem, University of Illinois Press, 2002), Folklore Studies (Journal), Vol.1, Ji’nan.

7.       12 / 2010: paper, “From Tradition to Individual: An Exploration into the Transmission System and Oral Poetic Rules of Baipkv in Shilong Village,” Ethnic Art (Journal), Guangxi.

8.       11 / 2011: paper (trans.), "Totemism and the A.E.F. Revisited" by Elliott Oring (in Elliott Oring (ed.), Folk Groups and Folklore Genres: A Reader, Utah State University Press, 1989), Studies of Ethnic Literature, Vol. 6, Beijing.

9.       07 / 2012: paper, “After the New Folkloristics: A Revisit to Folklore Fellows’ Summer School in 2010,” The Annual of Folkloristics in China, Vol. 1, Beijing.

10.     04 / 2012: book (co-editor), The Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage under UNESCO: Selected Basic Texts, Foreign Languages Press, Beijing.

11.    04 / 2013: paper, “The Field Research on the Bai People’s Folk Songs in the View of Oral Tradition: The Definition and Interpretation of Baipkv in Shilong Village, Jianchuan County as a Case,” Ethnic Art (Journal), Guangxi.

12.    02 / 2013: paper, “Evolution of Folkloristic Theories and Paradigm-shift in Modern Humanities,” Qinghai Social Sciences (Journal), Vol. 1, Qinghai.

13.    12 / 2013: paper, “The Linguistic-Centered Approach in Folklore: A Review of Dell Hyme’s Communication of Ethnography,” Forum of Folk Culture (Journal), Vol.6, Beijing.

14.    12 / 2014: paper, “From the Linguistic Turn to the Performance-Centered Approach: An Overlook of the Academic History of Modern Folkloristics,” Studies of Ethnic Literature (Journal), Vol. 6, Beijing

15.    02 / 2015: paper, “The Performance-Centered Approach in Modern Folkloristics: Its Background, Theoretical Trajectory and Definition,” Forum of Folk Culture (Journal), Vol.6, Beijing.

16.    03 / 2015: monograph, Practice of Verbal Art as Communication: A Study of the Shibaoshan Song-fair of the Bai People in Jianchuan, China Social Sciences Press, Beijing.

17.    06 / 2015: paper, “Theoretical Dimensions of Cultural Space in Intangible Cultural Heritage: the Shibaoshan Song-Fair of the Bai People in Jianchuan, Yunnan as a Case,” Forum of Folk Culture (Journal), Vol.3, Beijing

18.    12 / 2015: paper, “The Baiqu Performance Tradition and Its Concept of Verse-line: An Ethnopoetic Reflection on the Style of the Bai People’s Folk Songs,” Journal of Guizhou Minzu University (Journal), Vol. 6, Guizhou.

19.    9 / 2017: paper, “The Belt and Road Initiative and the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage as International Cooperation,” Northwestern Journal of Ethnology (Journal), Vol.3, Lanzhou.

20.    10 / 2017, paper, “Community Participation: The Core Principle of the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage,” Ethnic Art (Journal), Guangxi.

21.    12 / 2018, paper, “The Harvard Yenching Institute and the Origin of Oral Tradition as a Discipline in China: Institute of Ethnic Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences as a Case,” Studies of Ethnic Literature (Journal), Vol. 6, Beijing.

22.    12 / 2018, paper, “A New Tendency in the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage under the Framework of UNESCO’s 2003 Convention: The Transfer of Xoan Singing of Phú Thọ Province, Viet Nam from the Urgent Safeguarding List to the Representative List as a Case,” Forum of Folk Culture (Journal), Vol.6, Beijing.

23.    12 / 2019, paper, “An Event-Oriented Overview toward the Safeguarding of ICH by UNESCO: ‘The 1989 Recommendation’ and ‘Proclamation of Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity’ as two Cases,” Qinghai Social Sciences (Journal), Vol. 6, Qinghai.

24.    12 / 2019, paper, “The Poetics of Communication (Keyword),” Forum of Folk Culture (Journal), Vol.6, Beijing.





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