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The Collection of the Mongolian Heroic Epic: A Brief Introduction

The Collection of the Mongolian Heroic Epic intends to cover all the Mongolian epic pieces we could find, except the three gigantic epic cycles Jangar, Gesar and Haan Harangui. In Volume one, 64 epic texts were collected among the Mongols in China, and the rest, 19 epic texts came from the Mongolia Republic, makes a total of 83 epic texts in this volume. More than half of these texts are new materials to the public, and they appear exactly as what epic singers sang. The rest of them have ever been published here and there. We traced these clues, contacted these collectors and editors, tried to obtain their original text recordings, like manuscripts and tape recordings. Unfortunately, we failed at the end. This explains why those entries are the same as they appeared at first time. 

From the beginning of the 20th century, European linguists, especially Russian linguists, recorded and revealed tens of epic pieces with different writing systems. In volume one, we include 7 epic texts recorded by Finnish linguist G. Ramstedt (1873—1950) on his trips to the Mongolian regions from 1900 to 1909. And epic texts recorded by the Buriat scholar Ts. Zhamtsarano (1880—1940), Belgium scholar A. Mostaert (1881-1971, Russian scholar Bo. Ya. Vladimirtsov (1884-1931, N. Poppe (1897-1992), B. Bambaev, and linguists from the Mongolian Republic, like Zh. Tsoloo. They used Latin, Cyrillic, and phonetic alphabet to transcribe the texts.

four editors

With Danish scholar Gronbech (1901-1957)’s suggestion, Lahbasurunjab and Gongchok recorded an epic Gal Möndör Qagan in 1938, which later printed by Walther Heissig in 1977. Another epic text Eriin Sain Shiree Mergen Han found in the Library of Academy of Inner Mongolia Social Sciences. These two epics come out to China’s readers the first time.

Rinchindorji conducted a field trip in 1962, and recorded 23 epic texts in Hochin Baragu Banner, Hulun Boir Prefecture. And in August of 1978, he went to Bayanbolog, Bayangol Prefecture of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, collected 3 epic pieces, namely, Gang Hara Tebeg, Ebeldengiin Buuraltai Ergüü Gunan Hara, and Naran Han Köbüün. The texts printed in the present volume, are precisely transcribed from the original recordings.

Sechinbatu recorded Han Chengel in 2006, and printed here according to the original singing, without any adjustment. Furthermore, two scholars Tubai and Cholomen of a Linguistic Investigation Team collected an epic Hüder Altai Haan in Subei County, Gansu Province, in 1957, is exactly the same as what they recorded.

We carefully provide as much as possible the information about epic texts’ collector, recorder and editors’ names. And we also indicate the information of publications of the first print, if applicable.





The Collection of Mongolian Heroic Epic  

Vol. One




Editor’s note

About the origin and development of the Mongolian epic tradition


1, Baragu-Khalkha Region


1-1Baragu-Khalkha single plot epics


1-1-1 type of meeting enemy head-on


I) Agui Ulaan Haan type

1, Altan Galuu Noyon

2, Agui Ulaan Haan

3, Agui Ulaan Haanai Hüü Altan Galuu Noyon

4, Altan Galuu Haan

5, Agui Ulaan Haan

6, Agi Ulaan Haanai Altan Galab Hüü

7, Agai Ulaan Haan

8, Agulan Haan

9, Agai Ulaan Haan

10, Arban Naimtai Altan Galuuhai


II) Abralt Bogd Haan type  

11, Arban Gurban Nastai Abralt Bogd Haan

12, Usun Jalib Haan

13, Arban Gurban Nastai Abralt Deed Bogd Haan

14, Arban Tabtai Abralt Haan,

15, Arban Gurabtai Abral Deed Bogd Hüü

16, Arban Tabtai Asarsan Haan


III) Bayan Bolod Haan type

17, Buyant Haanai Albat Bayan Bolod Öbgön

18, Buyan Sergüülen

19, Bayan Bolod Öbgön

20, Bayan Bolod Öbgön

21, Bayan Baldan Öbgön

22, Bayan Baldan Öbgönöi Gurban Hüü


IV) Other types of Battle epic

23, Ariin Deed Aria Hüü

24, Eriin Sain Shiree Mergen Haan

25, Altai Tsembel Hüü

26, Eriin Sain Erinche Mergen

27, Manggussig Darsan Ülger


1-1-2 Regain type


I) Shilin Galzuu Baatar type epic

28, Abai Hiling Galjuu Baatar

29, Enhe Bolod Haan

30, Shilin Galjuu Baatar Hüü

31, Shilin Galjuu Baatar

32, Shilin Galjuu Baatar

33, Shilin Galjuu Baatar

34, Shilin Galjuu Baatar

35, Shilin Galjuu Baatar

II)  Other types of regain epic

36, Togoon Shirmen Haan

37, Bajin Dawa Haan

38, Altan Gerelt Haanai Abrag Chuluun Baatar

39, Gal Möndör Haan


1-1-3 Bayanbold old man type matrimony epic

40, Bayan Bolod Öbgönöi Gurban Hüü

41, Bayan Bolod Öbgönöi Hüü Shilin Galjuu Baatar

42, Bayan Bolod Öbgön

43, Ajig Teneg Baatar

44, Arab Taban Hot Ail

45, Ajil Medehgüi Arab Taban Hot

46, Altan Shühert Haan

47, Altan Shühert Haan


1-2Baragu-Khalkha multi-plot type

1-2-1 Heroic Proposal of Marriage plus Battle epic


I)Shireet Mergen type

48, Shireet Mergen Haanai Hüü

49, Shireet Mergen

50, Haan Tögösiin Hüü Shireet Mergen Haan


II) Other Heroic Proposal of Marriage plus Battle epic type

51, Jüi Mergen Haanai Jügei Mijid Hüü

52, Zooboi Mijid Haanai Hüü Zuubai Mijid

53, Altan Sembüü Mergen Hüü

54, Ganchi Modon Honogtoi Galjuu Ulaan Baatar

55, Högshin Luu Mergen Haan

56, Eriin Sain Zaan Zaluudai

57, Eriin Deed Aria Hüü


1-2-2Two-Expedition type


I) Gunhan Ulaan Baatar type

58, Gurban Nastai Gunhan Ulaan Baatar

59, Gurban Nastai Gunan Ulaan Baatar

60, Gurban Nastai Gunhan Ulaan Baatar

61, Gurban Nastai Gunhan Ulaan Baatar

62, Gurban Nastai Gunhan Ulaan Baatar

63, Gunhan Ulaan Baatar

II) Other type of Two-Expedition type

64, Agui Ulaan Haanai Hüü Altan Galuu Haan

65, Tsewüün Hara Nüden Hüü


2. Epic Tradition in the Oirat Region


2-1 Matrimony plus Battle types in Hoshot and Bait.  

66, Hüder Altai Haan

67, Haan Chengel Taiji

68, Haan Chengel Baatar

69, Haan Chengel

70, Naran Zandan Taiji


2-2 Single Plot epic in the Oirat of Xinjiang


71, Gang Hara Tebeg

72, Eyeldeg Haan Köbüün Ergüü Gunan Hara


2-3 Oirat Heroic Matrimony plus Battle type

73, Ebeldengiin Buuraltai Ergüü Gunan Hara

74, Bayan Bambal Haanai Köbüün Eriin Sain Hebsain

75, Higiin Hüten Höh Tömör Zebe


2-4 Oirat Multi-Battle type

76, Naran Haan Köbüün

77, Naran Haan Köbüün

78, Harcha Mergen


3. Tribal and Clan-Fighting type

79, Er Seer Baatar

80, Bars Choohor Moritoi Bambal Haan

81, Altan Alag moritoi Altanai Hüü

82, Haraja Hara Moritoi Haraldai Mergen

83, Ana Mergen Haan



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